PLKN 20/2/2014

6:54 PM

Had the most boring ceramah in my entire life. Since we are learning Module Kenegaraan now, the topic for the ceramah today is about perundangan and pilihanraya. Not that the topics are boring but the slideshow and the teachers presenting it are terrible. Small fonts squeezing the entire screen, how to read? ._.
The ceramah was held in the dewan makan and for the part after minum pagi, most of the people were literally knocked out - including me.

Anyway, Komanden stepped down today... Its kinda heartbreaking to see him exchange seats with the new komanden. I hope the new komanden isn't the berserk type hahaha.... Some girl were crying after they exchange seats... at least for the behind part of the dewan :P

I spent some time talking to Yanti and did a little bit of interview hehe.. Seems like she was terribly stressed out, not because of me, but because of her friends that are taking advantage of her.
Then at night, during Buddhist class, Pui Ing and I became 'mengantuk' buddies. We were leaning with each other and sleeping like nobody's business. Thank goodness its Friday tomorrow, 20+ more days. Can't wait to go home.

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