PLKN 19/2/2014

11:31 PM

I taught Yanti a lot of stuffs today :)
But she seemed stressed out :(
Anyway, today's activities can be pretty much summarized as class only. In the morning, its more challenging. We had to design our own "country" with papers, cardboards, plastic bottles, plasticines, paints, and recyclable items. It was fun... for me, at least. I mean, its way better than just sitting down, discussing and do random acts. lol. Then, after minum pagi, we had to innovate a product with recyclable items too. And, I introduced Thermotech! After my group agreed, did the prototype and presented it in class, only 2 person asked questions, which is rather surprising. Because for other groups, its like a war of questioning here and there. Not sure if my product is just too advanced or Thermotech is just too simple that everyone can understand. We continued class in the afternoon and we had to do sketches. Our group did a sketch about Jimmy Choo, it was spontaneously hilarious.

Then, at night, we had Buddhist class. But after getting back to dewan makan, we had a rehearsal for the step down of komander... Not sure where and why is he going, but dayumm...

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