
2:27 AM

*Shit, its 2.30pm. Heaviest insomnia.*

Woke up constantly at night due to heavy coughs. The cough syrup given by medic isn't working and I could feel a fever kicking in. The thought of Azyan being the 2 balak hit me and I felt, terrible. After all I'd did... Haih. *Deep breaths*

Class today was the last day for Module 1. I had a really heavy cough in class and it was totally embarassing. Lucky I was sitting beside the door, so with Ashraff's call, I went to toilet to calm down. I managed to get MC today but it was wrong timing. As I was sleeping halfway in bilik rehat, I was told that there was a practice for 'pemakaian pangkat'. Shit is real. So I skipped my MC and went for practice at night. Sick but I managed to pull through. So proud of myself haha... Complicated feelings at night too... I mean, why.

Just, why do I always happened to be the 2nd choice for everything? T.T

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