PLKN 13/3/2014

10:38 PM

Just 5 more days and I'll be home! I'm so excited! Anyway, we had our first day of Kem Wirajaya today, in our full loreng too. I swear that uniform is so heavy, especially the boots. Ugh.
So we spent the entire morning, 2 hours and a half, walking around the forest nearby.It was boring. No cliffs, no hard to walk session. Its just, walk, walk, walk. And I thought it would be exciting lol
The haze was pretty bad, by noon, we were rushed back to camp already. Then, the komander announced that Kem Wirajaya ended.
In just one morning of activity because of the haze. Wow.

So at night, we had to change to our full loreng again for the closing ceremony of Kem Wirajaya.

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