I dont even know what should I put as a title

11:12 PM

I wouldn't say its a good day, but I wont say it as a good day. 

I argued with Dad due to differences in opinions, and even though when I was proven right, he still protects his ego. Well, guys have their man ego too, I don't blame them. 

But the thing is, he still won't let go. After proven right, he would kept quiet for a while, realized his ego is hurt, changes topic and talked about all the mistakes you'd done in the past.
I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just saying that just be humble and listen to what others have to say. Just because you're proven to be right for many things and is respected by many, that doesn't mean that others are always wrong. 
And if they are proven right, good. Be humble, lower down your ego and listen.
Its hard to lower down your ego and take one step back, i know. But you just got to try, or else you will damage a relationship.

I'm not gonna continue complaining but yeah, I have my limits too. 

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