PLKN 7/1/2014

2:59 PM

I feel homesick already :( Johor people came and we, Team Bravo, had the most Indians ahhaha... Each of our dorms are 1 Malaysia already xD Had an hour of kawad today. Not really kawad lah, since its just standing on the padang kawad and lapor the attendance, get scold here and there and sang Negaraku :) Breakfast today was nasi lemak. It tasted horrible. Then we had a ceramah about "Buli". I swear, they had the worst slide show ever. Then, we had morning tea... After that, I smsed mom and Ivan haha It's been some time since I saw the word "*HUGS " in my inbox, so it really made my day ^^ Then, we had another ceramah which is about drugs. I didn't sleep cos' those drugs were really interesting to look at. haha. Time continued to the afternoon and we had our dorms rearranged so that the number is even :) Farah & Yan had to shift since they are only 4 of us that are from Shah Alam :/ Then, later that day, I got a comment from a jurulatih, saying "Chinese don't know how to do work". All because I didn't know how to report attendance. I cried later. Anyway, they rampas our phones today. I tried to memorize Ivan's number. But later that night, I tercalled someone else when I punched Ivan's "number" on the public phone. Hahaha. Ahhh.. hope he isn't reading this :P
I called mom.. Kinda missed her even though it has only been 4 days :( How to survive till 18th March? ><
Told my parents that... And dad said he trusted me to be strong.
Okay, I'm touched hahaha

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