PLKN 5/1/2014

2:31 PM

I got to know more about the others from Shah Alam :) Though Eima doesn't really like talk :P Sabah and Sarawak came at midnight. Then, in the morning after our breakfast, those from Shah Alam had to shift our dorms to our respective company. Well, it was pretty tiring. Farah chose the last dorm for Bravo, its the best among the rest. All the lockers were fine, the bed wasn't so bad, walking out from the back door, its the place where we hang our clothes and further more down straight, it is the toilet ^^ Then, beside the dorm its a small pondok where the water dispenser is. Perfect :) Kajang people came in the afternoon, Isabel and I spoke to the Chinese and damn, they are really fun :D Boring boring boring.. then dinner! then boring boring boring. In the end of the day, we slept at 12 am that night.

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