Another day

12:53 AM

I had a long day today and also, not a nice day.

Somehow when the day doesn't start right, no matter how I was comforted and stayed positive, the day just still ended up as a dreadful one.

It has been a tough week and the next coming two weeks, it's gonna be more hectic.

Here's a few little frustrations that has been going on in my head today:
- I made a terrible joke. An 'its not cool' joke. I mean, to know that someone said that to what you think is a funny, casual thing, it's rather demotivating. For that moment, I actually felt the lightness in my heart just dimmed. I know the phrase 'one man's meat is another man's poison. But still it hurts rather a lot.

- I got frustrated for the wrong reason again. I accidentally raised my voice while correcting bae's work in finance tutorial today. And I hurt her. I could see it and feel it.

- I got stressed out while writing and planning on my rough agendas for next week. I have two mid term exams and a number of other things to cover on. I'm also forced to be covering the Alliance Music Festival as a photographer and another event on Friday. Meanwhile my phone was vibrating non stop from the messages from Ethnic assignment group. It was like I had to worry so many things and be busy with them.. And knowing that I accidentally vented it out on bae makes me feel worde...

4. I ended the night badly. We had a short crying session in the car before 10.30pm ish... Then it was supposed to be a happy ending for the night. But nope. Even though I tried hard to make our props okay for the filming for ethnicity, but Im not giving my best to convince bae....

Well.... I ended the night with a sad tone of conversation on WhatsApp. And that's just... Me.

I'm good at screwing things up.. Even a person.. 😢.
Best regards

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  1. Hey stranger!
    Things will get better, believe me, hard things make us learn, right? I believe that you can handle this, even though I am a mere stranger to you and we are miles apart away. If a stranger has the courage to believe that you can do this, why can't you believe in yourself just a little more, that you can handle this?
    I hope this comment can cheer you up a little bit.
    Things get better, I believe!
