Screwed up afternoon again

6:25 PM

Had an awful row with mom again.

She hardly understands what happened tho. I don't think she was even trying.

Haih. I don't feel like typing about it nor talk about it. Though there is this big, heavy pain on my chest that isn't easing. I'm just so fed up with my family recently, sometimes the thought of committing suicide again kept coming to me. And I'd to distract myself from any of those negative things.

Mom thinks that after I got the scholarship, all I wanted to do is leave home.

Well, she was half right. I do wanted to leave home and start studying. But I'd never wanted to leave home so badly because... like what my dad said, "We don't love you as much as we do anymore."
It's kinda hard to take it all in all of the sudden, but being a "grown up", I guess you just had to?

And bro isn't being helpful, as usual.

Ahhhhhh, just some random ramblings from me today. Let's think about happy thoughts :)

There is no use dwelling up in a pool of sadness and frustration, right? :)

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