
1:58 PM

Can't believe I got a shocking 37/100 for my Biology Paper 2.... 

Add Maths was not up to expectation too... I mean, getting this kind of results is like saying I'm not working hard enough. 
Bio paper 2 was the worst. The biggest impact in fact :/ 
I know my limits, I know how far I can ho, and this is really unacceptable. I'm not as terrible as the rest! I studied 2 months before trials! 
And now, I got marks like these?!?! Its like I just lost all my confidence :( 
I'd never felt so down because of my results before and I couldn't stop crying right now >.< 
Why do it have to be so bad? 
I felt like my effort are all wasted :( 
I don't know... 

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