Summing up the first week in first year (orientation)

8:27 PM

So my 1 month and a half holidays just ended like that. Like. That. Like. That's it, in a blink of an eye, and I'm not satisfied with what I had (or hadn't) achieved in this long duration of lazying. Anyway, orientation wasn't so bad like I thought it would because of not meeting anyone for a month and half.

It wasn't as awkward as Jie Xi would anticipate, but awkward enough.

Anyway, the first day of orientation, I met up with many MUFY people and specifically, Seo Hyun ^^ It's been a long time since we met and talked, and we talked a lot of stuffs. Then, during the briefings, we sort of got into a gang, meaning the MUFY kids in one group. Not all of the MUFY students tho, just a few of us. All in the School of Business.

Well, the first three days of orientation is pretty tiring not because of there were vigorous ice breaking activities but boring briefing sessions. Overloading the students with information that are both confusing and not very benefiting is hard. But on Thursday, orientation was short and I hung out with Tung Ling at Pyramid for a short while to get her heels for Graduation Night on that day. Yes, it was that last minute, but at least she was happy with her new heels.

Friday (which is today), I went to uni for MUSA day. MUSA is like the committee group of Monash Uni and the group activities are really ice breakers. Probably because we are adults already, so it wasn't that hard to mix around and get into a friendly conversation with anyone. It was amazing, I didn't know how I did it but I did befriended several cool people. There were 10 tiring station games, and we had to run from one building to another building, from one corner to another corner, literally, just to get the next clue to the next station. And I must say, the organizing team has made great effort to take advantage of technology. Several clues required the use of smartphones and Internet to decipher the codes on the clues. And Shai (an Indian dude in our team) was like, the MVP for us. He could read the codes efficiently, suggest great ideas, and was really friendly. Basically, he is amazing. Without him, we wouldn't end up in the 5th position haha... yeah, 5th. It's good tho, the top 4 places was taken by School of Engineering and School of Science. And then there's us!

That's about it. I didn't get enough sleep (or maybe I just want more sleep) during this week, especially today.

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