Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY) Sem 2 Summary

11:32 PM

Can't believe I'm so rajin to type all these things and post. Finals got me like, anything is good as long as it isn't about studying. So anyway, here is a summary of Sem 2. Just like my previous sem, I took up the same 4 subjects.

Basically, sem 2 is like, 5 times harder than sem 1 and I'm not kidding. Okay, maybe a little. Maybe I got lazier but anyway, sem 2 is tough.

Sem 2

English: English had changed a lot compared to sem 1. When sem 1 is all about analyzing, double that in Sem 2. Sem 1 has some articles to read and we had to write an essay about it; Sem 2 you gotta double that stack of article into a novel, 2 movies, 1 long text and 1 stack of chapters from a book. Of course, no foundation in this world is designed to kill students or else how are private universities going to earn money?

The first few months of English class will be concentrated on analyzing and understanding the study materials like what I'd just typed up there to write an essay based on a prompt. I'm not sure whether Monash will change their format or not, but for my year we study about the theme "Justice/Injustice".  The essay you got to write has formats too, and it will take you only 2 days to finish, unlike sem 1 where you have 3 days.

There are 2 core materials & 3 other materials to support your stand when it comes to writing the essay:

(1) The Kite Runner; Core material. It's a novel and I actually kinda like the story. Unpopular opinion here, but honestly if you read this novel in a different angle, let's say you treat it like a novel you read to pass time on a Sunday evening, heck. This story portrays a superb scene of what's happening in Afghanistan and the story between a dominant race and his slave. Trust me, I'm not really thaaat emotional kind of person, but this story is potential. Don't watch the movie tho. Read the novel as soon as you got it during the holidays because when Sem 2 starts, investing time to finish a thick novel during a series of busy classes will be the last thing on your list.

(2) 42; Core material. Yes, that's the title of the movie. The first time I watched the movie in class (yes, we will be watching movies in class), it was pretty wow effect. Then the next few times I watched right, I kinda realized the movie didn't actually show what really did happened in history. It's based on a real story in America about breaking the barriers between the blacks and whites in baseball. Download the movie and subtitles to assist your understanding.

(3) Rabbit - Proof Fence; Other materials. There's isn't any rabbits in the movie, mind you. I was expecting big, chubby brown rodents hopping around but I was definitely disappointed to the core. Anyway, this is based on a real story too, in Australia years ago where the Aboriginals are greatly suppressed by the whites. Here we can understand the ideas of both sides, the Aboriginals and the whites, of the reason of the happening of the Lost Generation. This movie don't really have great actors in it so it's normal to complain about boredom but obviously this isn't the point here. Likewise, download the subtitles and watch the movie at night when you have insomnia.

(4) The Apology Speech; Other materials. This is a speech by Australia's Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, apologozing to the Aboriginals on behalf of the previous generations of politicians regarding their harsh treatment on the minorities. Take a read, it's rather long. Either way, I did not use this material AT ALL in my entire sem 2 because, I have no idea how to use this to support my points. Haha.

(5) Half the Sky; Other materials. This one is disturbing. It's based on reality and everything that is written are about the loss of woman rights. Based in Cambodia, Congo, India, ladies of all ages were surpressed in any way possible. When religious laws used to protect the chastity of women are perverted into disrespecting females. This is really heartbreaking and it will get you thinking.

After reading all that and understanding them, you have to write an essay answering a prompt just like sem 1, but with more evidence to support your ideas. Writing the essay is not easy at all, you don't need to memorize everything, you just got to understand the stories then you can do it.

Not to forget, there will also be a report followed by a presentation. For this round, I did "Does Cosmetic Surgery bring Negative Impacts to Teenagers". Just like my previous post, practice and you will make it. My lecturer was Ms Ashley and she is wonderful :) English lecturers for Sem 2 are all quite nice, of course there will be a difference in preference of the way they teach but overall they are okay.

Mathematics: Unit 2 of Maths is wayyyyyy easier than Sem 1. You gonna need your graphic calculator a lot, there are lots of calculations and concepts to understand. But at least it doesn't require memorizing. The hardest part of this subject is Combination and Permutation. The topics we learnt are closely related to Form 5 Add Maths, but deeper of course. Recommended lecturer: Ms Jessey. She is the most sarcastic, fun to be with kind of lecturer and probably the most sadistic person I've ever met. There are other lecturers too and they are good as well, so getting either one is great. There isn't much to compare.

We have a research project which is a group project too. And yes, a good team mates helps a lot. For this project we need to get surveys in simple forms, and it's all about statistics.

Economics: When I thought I had moved on with Ms Pratiba, she came back teaching for Sem 2. But she was pretty okay compared to previous sem. Economics unit 2 is all about macroeconomics, and brace yourself, it's tough. You need to be able to relate from one concept to the other concept, using the concept of Unit 1. If you need to read the sentence a few times, that's what gonna happen when you are studying Econs Unit 2. It's confusing, but trust me when you managed to understand one small subtopic, you can mostly get the entire topic. And you have to make sure you understand the first chapter before going to the second, because they are ALL RELATED. It's not a killer subject I would say, it's just hard to understand. Probably easier to understand women but still hard but people still get married happily so it's possible to get a HD on this (i hope).

We don't have a research project this time. But we have one media commentary and one research essay. The research essay is a bit tough beecause its an open book test which means, we need to get information beforehand of Australia's economic data and statistics to answer the questions as well as the recent news. The media commentary was okay so no worries on that.

Accounting: Accounts is harder because there are more formulas and new stuffs and postings journals and different formats here and there. But still handeable. Among these 4 subjects, I would actually say that accounts is the easiest. All you need is just practice and you are the winner. We only have one accounts teacher, Ms Lai and she is literally, everything you need to learn accounts. She answers every single one of your stupid questions and dumb doubts patiently. She can explain from head to toe about why journals existed in such a way that we find it confusing to post, but her explanation will make you understand some shortcuts. She can be rather clumsy in class haha, either way I like her class even though its boring at times.

So, yeah. This kinda sums up my experience in the MUFY Foundation programme. The nice thing about it is that you can choose your own timetable, the bummer is you won't get the same classmates unless you gang up. Coming here to Sunway College and choosing MUFY alone, I just had to start making friends from scratch. It can be rather disappointing when other people already have a gang to hang out with but you don't and that's fine. This is how you learn to be independant and I actually found myself happier that way. I recommend you to find positive friends too, there are loads of rich kids that cares 90% of themselves only and they can ridicule you on the choices you make. You don't need this kind of negativty in life, move on. Make new friends.

Enjoy your foundation year :)

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