- 6:17 PM
- 11:33 PM
Hello everyone, it's been a long time since I updated. I do have a few things in mind to update actually but I forgot. Those in mind includes my trip to Sekeping Serendah, Penang Trip with my Uni friends, and sending friends away at the airport.
But let me update this first because priorities, you know:
So it's the once a year school carnival again and mom has found a few sponsors to sell free products in exchange of coupon sales. This year she got Manner Monster & Mamee Hot Cup, Perfecto Popcorn, a few boxes of vegetable juice (sounds uek but taste okay). Possibly more in the near future. So anyway, my family isn't a big fan of popcorn so having one box of popcorn at home is gonna be a waste.
Hence, I decided to sell.
After some discussion with the bae on prices and packaging, with some help from my mom, the decision was selling RM4 per packet, cheaper than retail price of course. RM20 for 6 packets and include postage too.
Of course 6 packets for RM20 is not profitable to me, but my goal here is to clear that one box of popcorn. And so, I posted my adverts on Twitter, Snapchat, Carousell, and Facebook.
On Carousell, I sell random things from hair wax, to keychains, to novels. So there was the Shopaholic series that is pre loved but I decided to sell it at a cheap price of RM20 including postage.
This morning, a girl inbox me and told me she was interested. So we negotiated on a deal and boom!
And we will be meeting up at a nearby KFC so it's a COD thing.
After we agreed with the timing and venue, suddenly the buyer asked,
"Do you know any cheap Chinese rice place that I can eat?"
Hahaha. So random, right?
Bae said I gotta hike up my game.
And so, I sent a message:
"Speaking about food, are you interested in buying Perfecto Popcorn? I'm selling 3 packets for RM10 :) Two flavors: Chocolate and Vanilla."
With this message, I had officially lost all my face.
What is face anymore.
So random but yeah, I sent that shit.
Like whaaaaat.
And so I happily packed everything, my popcorn and books, for her and drove out. My day was amazing! I just gotten the best business deal I had ever made first time in my life!!!
The buyer was late for 5 minutes or so. She was tall and has a cheerful smile greeting me. With great charisma, the first thing she said was,
"I'm sorry but I decided not to buy the popcorn anymore. My sister likes caramel flavor, not chocolate or vanilla."
Crash. Crack. Pierce. Slice.
What is face and image anymore...?
But I can't force her to take right...
So I smiled sheepishly and said it's okay and all. Took the RM15 and skittled away to my car.
And so today, I had the greatest business deal of all time and at the same time, lose all my face for deal, and not just that, the deal didn't worked out as great as it supposed to.
But still I'm happy cos you know, I made some money :) heh
It's not a lot but it's something 😆
- 4:35 PM
But let's all be real, it's a fact that even I myself can't deny.
I hate myself.
Just because I quoted my dad in many things doesn't mean I only listen to my dad.
He is undeniably a very talkative person, and of course, just like everyone else, he has his own opinion that comes with a mountain of ego. He said plenty of things.
Do I agree with all of them?
But is he right in many things as well?
Is he wrong in many other things too?
But when I interact with the world, why would I want to quote the wrong things? So what if it's an opinion from my father that is, false in the eyes of our generation?
It hasn't been the best of the days recently, and I hate the fact that the semester is finishing in another 4 weeks, and then finals. The days just get closer to semester break, and to everyone, its a bless. To me, its not.
I hate holidays.
But do I have a choice?
Can I just sit down in a corner and cry? I doubt so.
Plenty of times I do things that may be, a little harsh and aggressive, be it a group work or its for the people I cared for. I blamed myself that my communication is not good and raising my voice is just rude or meant I'm angry, when simply, I'm not. I just want my message to be heard, listened, and understood.
Plenty of times my message wasn't even heard.
Let alone be understood.
That many times I only meant good.
I may not be smart and occasionally show my stupidity of the highest level, but one thing I'm truly sure of is I don't meant harm and I only want the best for you and the task at hand.
I may be a nerd and overly responsible for my work. I am indeed overly anxious over everything of anything and I can still guarantee that it's because I want the best for the people around me.
Sometimes when you don't see what I see, I'll tell you. But you have to be willing to listen and see it together with me. Before you jump into assumptions, conclusions and judgments.
Our opinions will always differ.
Simply because we are brought up differently and I see the importance in things that to you, it doesn't matter, and vice versa.
I rarely feel the need to share my anxiety, worries or opinions on university works or friends anymore. Why should I when people don't get it? When people don't see it the way I do? And when I do, people show their sour face.
I know reality is hard.
Even though I had always wanted to just murder myself and be gone forever and never be remembered. But in reality, I'm already attached to people that I cared and to be very honest, it's fine without them caring back. The heartbreaks will be numbed and forgotten, until one day, I wake up and realize how stupid I was to care for people who doesn't care for me. If you think you're still childish and immature and all you want is to remain that way with the care of others on you, ignorance is bliss. This is my immature thought speaking.
If I don't love myself, you can see it through the way I treat people. The reflection of the love on myself can be seen on others. Just trying to exist. Just trying to be there.
But we all know, it's not there.
To love yourself is easier said than done.
I'm starting to think that my scholarship is not a blessing.
If I'm not bind to a contract, my parents wouldn't be my guardian.
I wouldn't have to try to blend in a community that doesn't appreciate the presence of a person trying her best to achieve a steady CGPA of 3.5, which at the same time, doing her best to learn more about the world and how it turns.
The only attachment I have is my family.
I'll still be a closeted girl, hiding my real sexuality and those ugly experiences with myself that only I will be ashamed of.
But you know what I call this?
I don't blame you guys.
It's really just me.
- 11:25 PM
- 12:13 AM
Maybe it's my fault.
Maybe I just can't do things right.
Maybe I can't make things right too.
Maybe I can't make the people around me happy.
Maybe I can only make people feel sad, hurt, or stressed.
I don't want to go anywhere that I should be going.
I just want to sleep. Forget all the 'I should's.
- 12:14 AM
I had a long day today and also, not a nice day.
Somehow when the day doesn't start right, no matter how I was comforted and stayed positive, the day just still ended up as a dreadful one.
It has been a tough week and the next coming two weeks, it's gonna be more hectic.
Here's a few little frustrations that has been going on in my head today:
- I made a terrible joke. An 'its not cool' joke. I mean, to know that someone said that to what you think is a funny, casual thing, it's rather demotivating. For that moment, I actually felt the lightness in my heart just dimmed. I know the phrase 'one man's meat is another man's poison. But still it hurts rather a lot.
- I got frustrated for the wrong reason again. I accidentally raised my voice while correcting bae's work in finance tutorial today. And I hurt her. I could see it and feel it.
- I got stressed out while writing and planning on my rough agendas for next week. I have two mid term exams and a number of other things to cover on. I'm also forced to be covering the Alliance Music Festival as a photographer and another event on Friday. Meanwhile my phone was vibrating non stop from the messages from Ethnic assignment group. It was like I had to worry so many things and be busy with them.. And knowing that I accidentally vented it out on bae makes me feel worde...
4. I ended the night badly. We had a short crying session in the car before 10.30pm ish... Then it was supposed to be a happy ending for the night. But nope. Even though I tried hard to make our props okay for the filming for ethnicity, but Im not giving my best to convince bae....
Well.... I ended the night with a sad tone of conversation on WhatsApp. And that's just... Me.
I'm good at screwing things up.. Even a person.. 😢.
Best regards
- 12:53 AM
I had to admit, I don't really have much to update recently since I had been so caught up with university. I'm busy with studies and being caught up with 2NE1's bad news recently about Minzy leaving... There was a point during my absence on blog where Adeline nearly thought we were gonna break up because I'm so caught up with everything but not much of her. I made a lot of mistakes in this relationship but we are not breaking up, okay?? :)
So anyway, the point of writing this post today is just a small update on my dad's birthday which was on the 23rd March. It's a bit late to update about this, I know, but it has been on my mind for some time now and since I kept some photos of the small gift I made for him, why not?
I know somewhere early this year something happened between my dad and I. I read plenty of articles of how to get back a good relationship with my own parents plus trying to understand my parents perspectives on things. It hasn't been smooth sailing - my dad and I- and knowing that my dad is facing mid life crisis plus the ego (you know what I mean) with a mix of my ego, we can't really get along for too long. But let's be real, our parents isn't growing any younger..
Back to the original course of this post, so it's my dad's birthday and I asked my parents out for dinner on a Wednesday. They came happily and I tried to sneak in my birthday card for him. As usual, since I'm young, I'm rather shy when it comes to giving gift. Like, if I were given the chance, I would 1000% hide the gift or put the gifts on somewhere obvious when they aren't around or taking note. I wasn't as ninja as I was last time, but nevertheless my dad saw the card only when it was about time we part ways home.
So we went to have dinner at Thai Thai in Subway Pyramid, the food was excellent. And by excellent, for someone who had never ate real, authentic Thailand food from the land itself, I'm only judging the taste from my Malaysia tastebuds and my parents experience with Thai food. But the service is terrible. The waiters doesn't understand English or Bahasa Malaysia, so it was a little struggle when it comes to ordering food.. And the waiter that was serving us forgotten the dessert, which is okay to me because everyone make mistakes let's be real here. Also, the waiters were downright rude, as quoted by Macy, "so rude like we kill his/her mother' 😂😅 *Disclaimer: Please don't find me okay? I did not imply that we killed anyone's mother. Mothers, as naggy as they are, they are one of the greatest roles in human mankind.
I paid for dinner and we went to walk around the mall. My parents aren't the types that enjoys walking around window shopping, they don't go into stores unless it really REALLY interest them. I remembered we also spent some time checking out the newly launched S7 and S7 Edge. And that's about it for the birthday dinner.
It was when my parents stopped in front of Sun U residence and saw the black birthday card. Hehe.... My dad was speechless for a while, and he said thank you afterwards and told me to not overuse the phrase,"do whatever as long as you're happy".
I'm not sure what he was implying.... But....
That's about it for this post. I'll update more about anything when there are total free time with me :)
Pyong pyong!!!
- 11:47 PM
Panorama shot of the beach, ft le bro |
Third day: We went to Caversham Wildlife Park and it was 42 degrees!?! It was really hot looking at the animals there, but one thing for sure its a wayyyyy nicer park than the previous ones. We had lemonade Popsicles as we watched the farm show. They showed us how sheeps were ushered into a herd and taken out one by one to be shaved. Then, we went to see Wombat & Friends. Wombats are so huge and fat, their furs are rough too. And and, during the show, there also have owls for us to touch. They were beautiful! They were other dessert animals too and a few parrots.

Do I look like I'm molesting the wombat? hahaha
Then, when we went to a vineyard after lunching in Red Rooster. We went to buy some grapes again and it was really crispy and sweet. We went home after that and rested for the night.
Fourth day: Woke up early to catch the bus to the train station and it was a rather hot day. We waited under the sun for around 20 minutes for the bus, which the bus driver was really friendly. He gave us a free ride cos we didnt have change. So, we reached the train station and went to Perth city. The city is smaller than KL for sure, with lesser skyscrapers but the huge difference is that Perth city is very clean. The air is not polluted and you dont feel like you cant breath all the time.
Fifth day: We woke up early again and set out to the Pinnacles. It was supposed to be 42 degrees, but because there was wind, it isnt that bad. From my aunt house to the Pinnacles, it takes 2 hours and a half. On the way there, we stopped by a few seashores and the roadside to take some photos. Oh yeah, we stopped by Lake Thetis and the science behind how it was formed and all was kinda confusing for me, but nevertheless, Mother Nature is beautiful. We have lunch at the Lobster Shack which they served grilled lobster and cold serve. But the day we went they only serve cold. First time having lobster and cold, it isnt as nice. A bit geli for me haha.
The Pinnacles was a really fascinating place as well. The pinnacles are actually not stones though it looks like it. There are several theories about how its formed, but its mostly evolved on the constant change of sand from hundred thousands of years ago till this day. I like the theory where these pinnacles are from huge trees and that the dessert was used to be a mysterious forest in the Ice Age time. Though I dont get the whole thing, but the small bits and pieces here and there is simple.
- 6:07 PM
So today I'm just gonna do some throwback. It was a happy time during the 3 weeks of utter sadness.
Bae brought me to Zoo Negara!
Here's a small dose of happiness for you animal lovers hehe
Though I must say, I didnt take much of nice photos of animals, and not all animals I had taken their portrait, I hope these few are enough to make you go heh sho kiut:
- 2:43 PM